Current Sermon Series "Following Jesus!" -- Sundays at 10:30 AM


Discover how you can financially support Deer Run

Why We Give

Generosity is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others. The Bible teaches us a baseline standard for this act of worship which we call "Tithes and Offerings." When we give to the church, we put God first in our lives. This act is so much more than placing money in a plate or adding funds to an account - It is putting our faith in God.

God provides for the various ministries of Deer Run through the faithful generosity of its members and others who choose to give. We honor those gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Deer Run remains above reproach.

Your gift to support this ministry financially enables us to reach the world for Jesus, both locally and globally.

How You Can Give

Simply put, at Deer Run, teaching the discipline of generosity is far more important than the actual dollars and cents that are given. Because this discipline is so important we have provided several ways each person can give so that you can choose which method fits your preferences

  1. Check
  • This method is the most common at Deer Run and requires very few steps. Simply write your check for the amount you wish to give and be sure to pay to the order of Deer Run Church of Christ.
  • Upon request, you can receive personalized envelopes to place and seal your check in. During our Main Service, place your check in the Tithes and Offerings box near the back of the auditorium.

2. Cash

  • You can also use the personalized envelopes to place cash into and seal at your convenience. This is how we are able track and record your cash gifts for tax purposes.
  • Simply place your cash into the envelope, seal it, and place in the Tithes and Offerings box near the back of the auditorium. NOTE: You do not need to use the envelopes, it is only suggested that you do.

3. Digital

  • We use an online giving platform powered by RebelGive. This one-click form will walk you through every step regarding the amount given, the frequency of your gift, day of the week/month for it to be given, and emailed receipts
  • Simply open the "Little blue Icon" at the bottom righthand corner of any page and you will be immediately prompted.

Security is important to us

The security of all your gifts, whether given in cash, check or digitally are of utmost importance to us. That is why cash and checks are gathered, counted, recorded and taken to the bank to be deposited by trusted individuals appointed by the Deer Run Leadership.

This digital giving platform uses 256-bit encryption (which is the same level as every major bank) and our GivingFlows use secure tokens so that the givers' information is protected. In layman's terms, RebelGive is compliant with the strictest standards governing the processing of electronic payments.

Deer Run will never share any of your personal information. Your giving is 100% tax deductible and at the end of each year you will receive your personal Giving Report. You can even generate your own reports and download them directly if you choose to use the digital platform.

Got Questions? Fill the form below!