Current Sermon Series "Godly Vision!" -- Sundays at 10:30 AM


All the organizations and missionaries we financially support locally and globally.

Our Missions

Impact Prayer Ministry

Impact Prayer Ministry is directed by our Senior Minister, Tom Lemler. The purpose of Impact Prayer Ministry is to stand in the gap and to help people grow in their relationship with God through a prayer-based pursuit of Him. Tom’s preaching and teaching is designed to connect people and churches with God by helping them seek greater intimacy with Him.

Learn more here.

Christian Student Fellowship - IUPUI

Alex Honeycutt is one of our missionaries who has partnered with CSF to reach out to college-aged students at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis. CSF is a student organization on campus that offers weekly Life Groups, monthly worship nights and opportunities to serve.

Learn more here.

Literacy Ministries

Literacy Ministries is a Christian mission focused on providing affordable Christian education in Zimbabwe led by one of our elders, Jacob Nhenga. Students learn in a Christian environment to be better prepared to make a difference for Christ as they grow up to serve Him.

Restoration Church Planting

Restoration Church Planting is a Philippine-based mission led by Brett and Ingrid Mitchell. They provide teaching, discipleship, and training by various methods. RCP influences others around them by addressing both physical and spiritual needs to the communities around them.

Learn more here.

Michiana Christian Camp

Michiana Christian Camp is a place of refuge; a place where people discover, grow and experience God's transforming power. Our vision is to cultivate an environment where real relationships with a lasting impact are developed. We do this by making Christ known through memorable experiences.

Learn more here.

Extended Hand Ministries

Lee Ladd is a missionary reaching out to the Indianapolis, Indiana area prison population. Extended Hand Ministries exists to take the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ to individuals in a correctional facility. This mission is all about the transforming power of God to change lives.

Woodburn Christian Children's Home

Woodburn's mission is to provide a Christian home for children in need and minister to children and families on physical, educational, emotional, and spiritual levels. WCCH provides a home to children regardless of their ability to pay and integrates the Christian faith into every-day life. No part of their daily life is separated from the expression of their faith.

Learn more here.

Colombian Christian Mission

Dale Meade serves as a missionary in Colombia, South America. The ministry has been evangelistic in nature to establish New Testament congregations. Collateral ministries include translating and writing materials for Colombia and the rest of Latin America, teaching in a Bible Institute, helping develop the church camp, and serving as the school psychologist in their Christian Day School.

Learn more here.

Mexican Missionary Organization

Gil and Debbie Calderon are missionaries in Queretaro, Mexico. The ministry of the Mexican Mission Organization is all about equipping the Mexican churches to be growing, church-planting churches. The work involves helping to physically build church buildings, as well as a Bible Institute to prepare and equip preachers, leaders, and church workers.

Learn more here.

Impact Campus Ministries - South Bend

Led by Tom Neyhart and his wife Jill, Impact Campus Ministries is built on their desire for “intimacy with God”. They demonstrate this by pursuing it, modeling it, and purposefully teaching it to university students across America. This particular branch of Impact Campus Ministries invests in the lives of students from Bethel University, Notre Dame University, and Indiana University - South Bend, Saint Mary's College and Holy Cross

Learn more here.

Central Japan Christian Mission

Led by Tim and Lisa Turner, Central Japan Christian Mission is committed to proclaiming the Good News of the Risen Son to the Land of the Rising Sun. Our goal is to establish and develop mature churches with family ministries, children ministries, camps, leadership training, Bible studies, and Church planting. CJCM recruits, sends, and supports missionaries, plants and grows vibrant local churches, and develops and trains up Japanese Church leaders.

Learn more here.

Christianville Foundation

Located in Gressier, Haiti, Christianville Foundation is comprised by a team of 4 leaders, Frantz, Myzthard, Raoul, and Risner. CF's mission is to share the love of Christ through education, nutrition, poverty alleviation, and health ministries. The foundation envisions to implement sustainable programs that provide hope for the present, future and eternity while empowering the local church.

Learn more here.

Southwest India Christian Mission

John and Moni Mathew serve with the Southwest India Christian Mission in the state of Kerala, which focuses on leadership training, church planting, radio broadcasting, Christian education, and community involvement. They also run a children’s home for girls and coordinate relief and benevolence efforts.